Normative Islamic Economics between scientific objectivity and ethics


  • الدكتور وضاح نجيب رجب


normative، objective، Islamic economics، ethics.


The study provides short and focused answers to the questions presented about the standardization of the Islamic economy، which revolves around its construction and foundations، and is the Islamic economy a moral economy، or is it a scientific economy، and in the light of this it has been shown that the Islamic economy depends in its construction on a very huge moral value system through which it seeks to control behavior The human being who will interact in moving economic activity، which in turn will lead to the emergence of an economic phenomenon، whether positive or negative (and the ethical value system controls human interaction to reach a positive economic phenomenon).

Then the Islamic economy relies on the rules of scientific analysis - which may share with what the positive economists put in place in a way that does not conflict with the general rules and principles of Islamic law - and based on all this، Islamic economics seeks to reach the economy to what it should be ideally and realistically، based on On the ethical system، and the scientific analysis of economic phenomena and problems، because he believes that the economic system cannot be based on scientific in isolation from values ​​and morals، nor can it be based on ethical and emotional rules only.




