The Reasons Behind the Organizational Silence of the Employees in the Palestinian Universities in Tulkarm Governorate


  • zeiad Barakat Al-Quds Open University


Organizational silence, Palestinian universities, full-time employment


This study aimed to identify the most important reasons behind the organizational silence of the employees in Palestinian universities in Tulkarm Governorate, in the light of variables: gender, specialization, educational qualification, type of job, full-time employment, and academic rank. The study was conducted on a sample of (244) employees from academics and administrators, and the sample was chosen in a stratified random manner according to the gender and job type variables, and the results of the study showed that the level of study personnel estimates of the reasons behind the overall organizational silence of Palestinian university employees in Tulkarm Governorate was average. These estimates were at an average level in the two areas: psychological and social, and administrative and technical reasons, while these estimates were at a low level on the field of lack of personal experience. On the other hand, the results showed that there were no statistically significant differences between the arithmetic averages for the level of the reasons behind the overall organizational silence and sub-domains, according to variables: gender, specialization, educational qualification, type of job, job devotion, and academic rank.


