Miracles explanation in Quran Eloquence command in Surat Al- Nisa A Study in rhetoric and style

بلاغة الأمر في سورة النساء


  • rawhi ziyadah جامعة الاستقلال (الأكاديمية الفلسطينية للعلوم الأمنية ) / أريحا


Miracles explanation in QuranEloquence command in Surat Al- Nisa


This study aimed to identify the eloquence of the command in Surat Al-Nisa. The importance of the matter to highlight the miracles explanation in Quran was adopted through Integrative approach by the researcher. The researcher began his research with identifying Surat Al- Nisa, and then he gave a clear definition of the command in language and idiomatically terms. To acknowledge the use of command and what comes out with new terms and meanings .The research has been focused on applied study. At the end, the researcher finalized his study with a circular showing up the command in surat Al- Nisa.

To conclude this study that the command verbs lead to khair-goodness, then arrange the promise and rewards the act then arrange act on the condition before. Initiate the predicate to the subject that is due to command style. The remaining command verbs are distributed in different mode with lower rate than the previous commands. 





