The form of the imperative verb (do) in The Israa verses in the holly Qur’an, The Study is according to the theory of direct speech verbs


  • Ass. Lect. Mohammed Abu Jassim General Directorate of Education of Najaf, Najaf, Iraq


           One of the linguistic theories that is put forward by deliberative, the theory of speech verbs, is one of the most prominent linguistic issues related to the field of use, social communication, and intellectual interaction, where it is interested in studying, explaining contextual denominator data, it is necessary to conduct these verbal practices in mental and semantic directions directly or indirectly, according to the social institution, linguistic and customary perceptions, and cognitive background. Attracted the attention of Arab linguists and interpreters in their linguistic treatments of Arabic words and the Qur'anic text, which led them to highlight signals and analytical directions of the structure of some texts by determining their statement, structure , and interpretation of their semantic purposes, and secondary connotations, and this trend has shades Its effect on the interpretation of the Qur'anic discourse, based on the conceptual linguistic and explanatory apparatus in the Arab heritage, which is the starting point for the analysis of Qur'anic texts, so that this study serves as a second modern reading of the Qur'anic discourse in which these actual verbal axes are embodied, and the deliberative interpretation is the clearest embodiment. The research concluded that the subject of the real imperative  form which is represented by the verb "do" is an active presence in al-Isra verse , because of its association with an important issue, related to legislation and enactment, orders and prohibitions, and drew attention to the matters of worship, and the transactions which are represented by : the legislation of the five prayers, the rights of kinship, and descent. The issue of waste and fulfillment of the covenant, the killing and weight, the warning of the polytheists, the threat of the torment of the hereafter, the statement of great provisions for the reform and construction of society, and the statement of the teaching of religion to Muslims, which is appropriate for the speech of a nation that complies with the order of its Lord, and the application of provisions and commandments.





