التشكيل الموسيقي في قصيدة الإبيجراما القديمة


  • D.hoda saad المملكة العربية السعودية / جامعة الجوف / كلية الآداب


This study, which dealt with the musical aspect is not easy, I did not find, as far as I know, any source of research related to this topic, so I clarified and studied and monitor the rhythmic and musical visions of the art of ancient epigrama through the Office of Literature of Strangers, which in turn represents the first experience in the poetry and prose epigrams in ancient Arabic literature even And if he did not carry his name and did not understand his companions and privacy.

Epigrama is one of the longest-lived literary genres because its roots extend back to pre-Christ centuries, and our Arabic literature can talk about the prevalence of this color more than a millennium and a few centuries ago.

And to search to reveal the musical techniques of this genus and its rhythmic structure external and internal and this is what this study would like to do with the manuscript ((Literature of strangers)), by Abu Faraj Alasbahani


