تطور الأجناس الأدبية وتداخلها الإبيجراما والتغريدة أنموذجاً


  • D.hoda saad جامعة الأزهر / كلية الدراسات الإسلامية والعربية /ســـوهـــــاج


: الإبيجراما ، التغريدة ، التداخل ، التطور ، الأجناس الأدبية ، الأنواع


Research confirms the truth of the theory of the genre ,There is no doubt that literary genres evolve from age to age, and may be born from each other emerges a new type unprecedented in the phenomenon, but if we go deeper in the lesson and found it has emerged from another kind of contrast, as noted by the study of art  The Abbasid era, they were born from the art of Arjus in the Umawy era.

 It must be compared between the former and later in Arabic literature all old and new.

Literature in constant motion does not know the stability and stability across the chain of time and ages.

 Research into the techniques of these two types (epigrama and tweet) while we see reveals to us the evolution and overlap of the units of these sexes and this is what the study would like to try to do.

 This conclusion, based on the study of epigrama and tweeting through a descriptive and analytical approach, gave potential to monitor this evolution and overlap.





