المهارات الريادية لدى خريجي الجامعات الفلسطينية: دراسة تطبيقية على قطاع غزة


  • Dr. Alaedin K. Alasyed Alaqsa University
  • Mr. Khaled Y. Mousa – Ministry of Labour - Palestine


Entrepreneurial Skills – University Graduates – Palestinian Universities


The aim of this study was to investigate the ability of university graduates in some disciplines to conduct entrepreneurial work by examining their ability to acquire the required skills. The study used the analytical descriptive approach to achieve this goal. Two types of undergraduate were selected, the first is for those who worked previously and the second were graduates who did not engage in any work at all. The sample of the study was (302) individuals, where (159) of them were already engaged in work, and the rest have never worked at all. The study was applied on university graduates for years (2015-2018).  

The study found that the skills most available to graduates who previously worked are personal leadership skills followed by technical skills. Business management skills were the least available for graduates, especially graduates of the faculties of engineering and information technology. In terms of skill acquisition, the most acquired skills by the graduates who were engaged were (risk tolerance - planning and setting goals - decision making - perseverance) while there were no significant differences in other skills. The skills that were not available to university graduates who did not work were skills (finance - marketing and sales - creativity and innovation - negotiation).

The study recommended focusing on providing university students with entrepreneurial skills within annual training programs within carefully prepared courses for this purpose. The study also called for urging universities to develop their academic programs in order to develop and develop leadership skills, and to train lecturers on how to achieve practical skills. In addition to directing the decision makers to reformulate the temporary employment projects to focus on the rehabilitation of graduates, and provide financial and specialized support to stimulate them to establish entrepreneurial projects.





