The Obstacles of Mothers’ Making their Children in Kindergarten aware of Safeguarding themselves from Sexual Harassment


  • الدكتورة رجاء بنت عمر باحاذق جامعة الملك سعود/كلية التربية
  • فاطمه بنت ابراهيم آل احمود جامعة الملك سعود/كلية التربية


sexual harassment, personal protection, kindergarten child.



The current study aims to identify the obstacles of mothers’ making their Children in kindergarten aware of safeguarding themselves from sexual harassment. The study used the survey descriptive approach, the sample was chosen in a simple random way and the number was 380 mothers. The questionnaire was used as a tool to collect information from the mothers under study, The study yielded a number of results, the most important of which are: -        Mothers do not agree with several reasons why some mothers do not educate their children about kindergarten from sexual harassment, there were no statistically significant differences between the averages of the responses of the study sample individuals from the mothers who educated their children on the kindergarten of sexual harassment due to the variable of age, the variable educational level, the variable number of foreign domestic workers and the variable number of foreign workers.




