فاعلية استخدام بعض استراتيجيات التعلم المدمج في تنمية الدافعية نحو التعلم لدى طالبات الصف الثاني المتوسط


  • الدكتورة تهاني بنت خالد بن محمد الجبير جامعة الإمام محمد بن سعود الإسلامية


blended learning, motivation towards learning


The aim of the current research is to study the effectiveness of using some of the integrated learning strategies in developing the motivation towards learning among students of the second intermediate class. In order to answer the research questions, the experimental approach with semi-experimental design was used. The students of the second intermediate class represented the research sample, they were divided into two experimental and control groups, and after conducting statistical treatments the research resulted in the effectiveness of using some of the integrated learning strategies in developing the motivation for learning among the students of the second intermediate class. The research recommends that the teachers be provided with the necessary skills that help them use blended learning and identify the difficulties that hinder the use of blended learning in schools.


