القيم الأخلاقية لإدارة الأموال وتنميتها وحمايتها في ضوء السنة النبوية


  • Fatima Hafiz Irshad Ul Haq جامعة الشارقة / فرع خورفكان/ كلية الشريعة والدراسات الإسلامية.


               Money in Islam has a privileged position, as it is one of the five imperatives that the purposes of Islamic law seek to preserve, so Islamic law has established controls and values ​​in the disposal and development of money so that it does not turn into a curse, or is an instrument of oppression and injustice to people. Economic problems have increased in Islamic countries, and this has been caused by the move away from the application of Islamic law. This research concerned with explaining the ethical values ​​of money management, development and protection in light of the prophetic Sunnah, and its effectiveness in dealing with financial problems.


