The hadith about the kittin, "Hadith and jurisprudence study"


  • Dr . Rafiq Asaad Redwan Associate Professor of Jurisprudence and its Origins at the Islamic University of Gaza
  • Dr. Sohib Walid Althlathini 2Assustant ProfessorDepartment of Sunna and its Sciences Islamic University of Minnesota


The kittin – spending – given – confinement – sell



Praise is due to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger who was sent as a mercy to the worlds, our master, our beloved and our leader Mohammed, and his family and companions, and those who followed him with righteousness until the Day of Judgment. To proceed: This is a study entitled : " The hadith about the kittin, Hadith and jurisprudence  study ". The two researchers dealt with the hadith and the jurisprudential side of the hadith and the hadith aspect included the hadith documentation from its resources, also study about the men of the Sanad, and clarification of strange terms in the hadit. As for the doctrinal aspect, the researchers discussed many ancient and contemporary jurisprudential issues, including: the reason for the torture of women in the hadith and the ruling on having a kitten at home. Hence the ruling on selling a kitten, also, the ruling on spending on animals, and the rule of confinement of birds and animals in cages.

The study reached many results, the most important of which are: Sharia preceded all laws by setting controls for the treatment of animals, and kindness to them, there was plenty of evidence for that. It is forbidden to torture an animal and food and drink must be provided for it. Also, his feelings should be respected because he is a respectable creature and charity must be given to him in everything, even when slaughtered.





