أدارة تكنولوجيا التعليم والنمو وتأثيرها في الاداء الوظيفي دراسة عينة على عدد من موظفي جامعة النهرين


  • aseel shakir كلية الادارة والاقتصاد / الجامعة العراقية
  • م فريد حسين احمد كلية الادارة والاقتصاد/ الجامعة العراقية


: IT management and growth, job performance.


   The research aims to detect the impact of the elements of information technology management (internal processes, devices, database) in the performance performance  (financial performance, information performance, training and development) in the Faculty of Administration and Economics, where the research sample was selected to include a number of university staff, A questionnaire was developed and distributed to a sample of (90) male and female and from various scientific qualifications, of which (86) questionnaires were valid for analysis and for the purpose of data processing a set of statistical methods were used, notably (arithmetic mean, standard deviation, correlation coefficient (spearman) and coefficient). Regression) The most prominent results were the existence of correlation and positive impact of IT management on job performance. The most prominent recommendations were the need to strengthen the relationship between intellectual and social workers to support information technology and develop the level of job performance through the establishment of training courses improve performance,





