Building a measure of concern for practical achievement of some athletics events


  • Abdulwadood Alzubidy جامعة تكريت
  • أمجد علي فليح جامعة كركوك


a ز of concern for practical achievement of some athletics events


The research aims to:
1- Building a measure of concern for practical achievement of some athletics events.
2- Knowing the levels of the practical achievement anxiety scale for students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Science
And to verify the research goal, the researcher imposed the following:
1- There are significant differences in the measure of anxiety of practical achievement of some athletics activities in the pre and post tests of the experimental group.
The research community was determined by students of colleges of physical education and sports sciences (the fourth stage) in the universities of (Diyala - Tikrit - Mosul - Kirkuk) for the year (2018/2019) morning study of (527) students with the exclusion of female students, and the research has been selected. In a random manner from the University of Kirkuk / College of Physical Education and Sports Science, who are (42) students with high scores on the scale, at a rate of (37.83%) of the fourth stage students (111) students, and the researcher used the statistical means SPSS (percentage, Arithmetic mean, standard deviation, torsion coefficient, Spearman-Brown equation, standard grade, modified standard grade, value of T)
The researchers concluded the following:
- The effectiveness of a measure of anxiety of practical achievement that the researcher built through scientific procedures used in building standards.
As for the recommendations, they were:
1- Adopting a scale of practical achievement anxiety for students of the Faculties of Physical Education and Sports Science that the researcher built in measurement and evaluation when conducting similar research.
2- Including students in psychological counseling courses and seminars to direct them to reinforce positive cases of controlling aspects of anxiety and controlling these aspects positively.


